Saturday, July 14, 2007

7/14/07 - about 3 out of 10

James had 3 generalized seizures at about 1 this morning. He was alert for a little while this morning and we played Craps with Giant Dice. He hardly ate or drank anything and was asleep for most of the day. He is still very, very drugged from his high Dilantin level, and who knows what the new med is adding to the torpor.

Today big brother and sister-in-law came over for a while. James asked for "fork food" from Taco Bell (enchiritos). He wanted four, and it is not worth arguing that he will not eat all of that, but he only ate about four bites and fell asleep. Matthew weighed himself on the scale, then picked up James and weighed the both of them. After subtracting, we get 105 pounds for James. At his best, he is a very lean 120, but he is very bony now. If we can't get him to a better state soon, we may have to debate the stomach "PEG" again, because he can't afford to lose any more weight.

As we were taking him to his place, he was talking - with his eyes closed - about how he could not get his kite up in the air. (Proabably because he was up there himself.) We are hoping that he will be perking up in the next couple of days as the Dilantin level goes down.

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