Tuesday, December 8, 2009

12.8.09 - Toes are warm

My toes are freezing, but no doubt James's are warm. He has a bright yellow tie-dye style blanket and a blanket of the United States, both of which were made for him. He has perhaps the best caregivers he has ever had, and as much love as anyone could hope for. This weekend he got a bigger TV, and Saturday night he stayed up until midnight watching it.

I don't know what to say about the rest of James. He is loved and safe and cozy, but he is losing ground slowly. He sleeps most of the day, and even when his eyes are open, he is not necessarily attentive. We don't know if he is having low-grade seizures a lot, but we cannot always get his attention. He talks very little - only nods if he has to, but of course he will still refuse coffee vocally. (That's our running joke with him.) A big smile from him is like a reward and always celebrated. He's weak, less able to help with transfers from bed to chair, etc., mostly does not support his head. He's not eating much, but the tube and liquid nutrition keep him healthy that way.

Viewed from his perspective, the minutes he is awake, spaced out through the day, are with people who love him and keep him clean and safe. He nods "yes" if we ask if he is happy. You or I would not find that a very satisfactory life, but he is content. We don't know how to pray for him anymore; mostly we pray that we will hold up and give him what he needs. B