Friday, August 17, 2007

8/17/07 - Home, but ...

James came home from the hospital yesterday. A hospital bed, a bedside toilet chair, and an oxygen concentrator were delivered to his house, and he is set up in the front room with the TV in sight. He is weak but reasonably happy.

He did not pass either swallowing exam in the hospital, so he is solely on tube feedings. Last night, Mary stayed with him, and he had two grand-mal seizures. She gave him Diastat (Valium rectally-injected gel), and that did stop the seizures. We are over here now, and he is reasonably cheery.

We don't have many illusions left, but for now he is sort of stable. Thank God for his caregivers and doctors and wonderful nurses. Keep praying that he will gain weight and get stronger. Pray for his parents also, who are also pretty weak and depressed. B

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