James has done really well for a fairly long time, but things are starting to unravel a little. He was having a seizure episode once a month, but now it's every two weeks. Tonight we had a report of general loopiness that we think was attributable to subclinical seizures. He let his tongue hang out of his mouth for a long time without retracting it - this is something totally new. After one Ativan, he was able to tell Mom good night on the phone. I am concerned that he is outgrowing his doses of anti-seizure medication, and they are already huge doses. He has continued to gain weight (I would call him "robust" now; we'll get a weight at the doctor's, I hope). He is weak, though, from the emergency Ativan doses and seizures, and a lot more to lift.
James is on the third year of having a feeding tube in his stomach, and as the hole through to his stomach got bigger, the tubes have gotten bigger. That is good news for feeding and meds; one of his meds is "sprinkles" that would often clog the tube up, and that's much easier now. However the site on his abdomen where the tube comes out gets red and sometimes oozy. I don't know if we are stuck with that as long as he has the tube, or what they would do if the hole got larger still.
James also has had trouble keeping his food down. At the moment he seems back to normal in this area, but with all these things going on, he is tired, not talking, and not terribly responsive. Mary is discouraged and so am I. On the brighter side, we are keeping things up better around the house, even cooking a few meals and cleaning up after ourselves. Michael is being so much help and learning skills he will need before long. It is still hard to stay on track when James is not doing well.
I don't think James is in mortal danger or anything, but his quality of life is so discouraging to us right now. Bless him, James never complains, always loves. Please pray for all of us. B